A Prayer from the Heart

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As dear children of God, let us pray:

Our Father, lead us, guide us, and help us to …

… love the Lord God Almighty the way Jesus loved us (unconditionally), 

… be made complete in the image of God the way Adam was created (unmistakably), 

… offer our sacrifices the way Abel offered his sacrifice to God (acceptably) 

… walk with God daily the way Enoch walked with God (sincerely), 

… obey God’s command the way Noah obeyed God’s commands (undoubtedly), 

… trust God the way Abraham trusted God (unwaveringly), 

… bless people the way Jacob blessed his children (meaningfully), 

… lead a life that is worthy of God the way Joseph lived his life (righteously), 

… humble ourselves the way Moses humbled himself before the Lord (submissively), 

… live and serve the Lord God Almighty the way Joshua did (wholeheartedly), 

… stay focused and wait upon the Lord the way Hannah did (patiently), 

… be called by God the way Samuel was called for God’s ministry (timely), 

… praise and worship God the way King David did (purposefully), 

… be brave enough to challenge false prophets the way prophet Elijah did (fearlessly), 

… perform miracles the way prophet Elisha did (remarkably),  

… worship God and serve the nation the way Daniel did (honorably), 

… see visions and dreams the way prophet Isaiah did (penitently), 

… accept and respond to God’s messengers the way Mary did (confidently), 

… be ministers of Jesus the way as was John the Baptist (earnestly), 

… glorify the Lord Jesus Christ the way Stephen the Martyr did (selflessly), 

… preach of Christ, the crucified, the way Apostle Peter preached (powerfully), 

… carry out the ministry of the Lord the way Apostle Paul did (faithfully), 

… experience the love of Christ the way Apostle John experienced it (unreservedly),  

… face the trials and persecutions the way the early Christians did (courageously), 

… leave a legacy behind us the way the Apostles of Jesus did (satisfactorily).


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