Charles Spurgeon: The Prince of Preachers

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Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) was one of the greatest preachers of all time and an effective soul winner for Christ’s kingdom. He dedicated his entire life for God’s ministry and was one hundred percent passionate and zealous for winning perishing souls. His great energy, his giant intellect, and his varied talents are all evidenced in the powerful sermons he delivered  Spurgeon’s words in this book titled The Soul Winner indeed awaken the slumbering saints of God to their sacred duty of soul winning.  The first six chapters primarily deal with what it is to win a soul; qualifications for soul winning; sermons likely to win souls; obstacles to soul winning; and how to induce believers to win souls.

According to Spurgeon, leading people to Christ is the chief business of a Christian minister and it should be the main pursuit of every believer.  A believer in the Lord, must not only labour to strengthen one’s own views of Christianity but must work hard to win souls for the Lord.  According to him, the Gospel is a reasonable system, and it appeals to people’s understanding; it is a matter for thought and consideration, and it appeals to the conscience and the reflecting powers. One must teach Gospel doctrines clearly, affectionately, plainly, and in a simple way, especially those truths which have a present and practical bearing upon men and women’s condition.  The preacher’s work is to bring good news to sinners’ utter helplessness that they may be compelled to look up to God who alone can help them, in the same way that a physician makes incisions only in order to induce cures, a wise minister excites painful emotions in men’s minds only with the distinct objective of blessing their souls. True conversion requires simple faith in Jesus Christ that results in sincere repentance from sin and the outcome is an authentic change of life. However, the individual must be born again from above. A soul winner can do nothing without God; rather he must cast himself on the Lord.

Spurgeon furnishes the qualifications necessary for soul winning.  These are “Godward” in nature, and consist of holiness of character; spiritual living; humility; an exemplary life; earnestness; possessing great simplicity of heart; being one who ministers only for the glory of God and the winning of souls; and finally complete surrendering of oneself to God to preach God’s thoughts and give out the truth in God’s way.  Spurgeon further provides “Manward”qualifications for soul winning, which are, an evident sincerity; evident unselfishness; seriousness of manner (that is, a prevailing seriousness about our whole lives); and finally tenderness in our heart.  Sermons likely to win souls are those sermons according to Spurgeon which are distinctly aimed at the conversion of the hearers.  Sermons that interest hearer and are instructive, sermons which are fullest of Christ, and sermons which have been prayed over are the most likely to bring people to Christ.

According to Spurgeon, the obstacles to soul winning are indifference, unbelief, delay, despair, self-righteousness, and worldliness. However, Spurgeon exhorts that whatever obstacles may be in our pathway, we must seek the aid of the Holy Spirit that they may be removed, and thus souls may be saved, and God may be glorified. Spurgeon believed that there were no set rules to induce believers to win souls. However, the pastor’s work is to set their church on spiritual fire and win souls with holy zeal. Everyone in the church should be set to work and thus one is sure to get the blessings one is seeking when the whole atmosphere in which they are living is favorable. Charles Spurgeon is widely accepted as one of the most powerful preachers who ever lived on the face of earth.  He had influenced innumerable individuals, including both preachers and ordinary believers.  Even today, he is admired for the quality of the messages he delivered and his influence is still impacting thousands among the wide range of Christian denominations.  He is known as the ‘Prince of Preachers.’

Reflections for Evangelization Today

Soul winning is the heartbeat of evangelism today even as it was in the days of Spurgeon. The wealth of information and principles for soul winning furnished by Spurgeon are tremendously relevant today to the Body of Christ. Soul winning is the responsibility of every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and is not just confined to the clergy or to so-called ‘full time’ Christian ministers.  Christian leaders today must realize the responsibility lay on their shoulders to teach, train, and equip believers for the purpose of soul winning. Christian leaders ought to realize the significance of holiness, humility, complete surrender and other characteristics mentioned by Spurgeon which are vital for success in winning many souls.  This is not just Spurgeon’s way of soul winning but it is the biblical pattern for soul winning ministry.  There is a dire need for Christian Ministers who are totally committed to God and are willing to go God’s way rather than their own ways and profess God’s thoughts.

The values of the kingdom must be the mark of the Christian leaders and believers of today in terms of servanthood, commitment, solidarity among believers, and compassion for the poor, destitute, and lost.  The evidence of discipleship must be visible in the lives of the believers by their fruit, which will result in them making disciples for Christ. Spurgeon very well pointed out the importance of Christian leaders being role models.  This is one of the areas which is lacking in Christian circles and churches today.  Christian leaders today must surrender themselves completely to God and be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit.  They ought to work together and participate in each other’s lives and be the role models for believers and communities. Prayer and intercession for souls to be added into the kingdom of God must be the priority of the Church and Christian leaders. As Spurgeon states, “Every obstacle and hindrance will be removed” and this will be a reality in our ministries.  We need to realize that we are laborers in the harvest field and the Lord of the harvest knows the best in every aspect and as a result the Church and leaders must cast themselves to God and only then will the Church be successful in evangelization which will result in winning of souls!  May the Lord Almighty enable each of us to fulfill His purpose upon our lives, Amen!

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