
Overview of the Book

The major focus of the book of Ruth is about God’s love and care for His people and their salvation.  It also teaches us the undivided devotion to God.  The book of Ruth narrates events in the life of an Israelite family consisting of Elimelech, his wife Naomi, and their two sons (Mahlon and Kilion) who migrated to the nearby country of Moab from Bethlehem in Judah due to a severe famine in Israel during the rule of Judges (Ruth 1:1-2).  Mahlon and Kilion took wives from Moab named Ruth and Orpah.  However, after the death of Elimelech and his two sons in Moab (Ruth 1:4), Naomi and one of her daughters-in-law named Ruth returned to Bethlehem in Judah.  Thus, the major focus of the book shifted to the life-story of Ruth (Mahlon’s wife) the Moabitess, her mother-in-law Naomi (Ruth 4:10), and Boaz, their kinsman-redeemer who married to Ruth (Ruth 4:1).  The book unfolds the sequence of God’s Redemption design and how Ruth, a non-Israelite woman became one of the key persons in the plan of God. The book is placed after the book of Judges but before the first book of Samuel because the entire incident took place during the time of Judges’ rule in Israel (Ruth 1:1).  The key characters of the book are Naomi and her Moabite daughter-in-law Ruth, and Ruth’s husband Boaz, a relative of Elimelech (Ruth 2:1). 

The Contents of the Book

  • The context and the problem: (1:1–5) 
  • Naomi’s intention to return to her hometown (1:6–7)
  • The daughters-in-law’s decision to go up with her to Bethlehem (1:13)
    • Kilion’s wife, Orpah, changed her mind and decided to stay back in Moab (1:14)
    • But Mahlon’s wife, Ruth, decided stay with Naomi (1:15-18)
      • Naomi’s advice to Ruth (1:15) 
      • Ruth’s response to Naomi (1:16-18)
          1. Ruth’s Demand to Naomi: Do not urge me to leave you (1:16)
          2. Ruth changed her Destiny – Where you go, I will go (1:16)
          3. Ruth’s Determination – Where you stay, I will stay (1:16)
          4. Ruth’s Declaration of identity – Your people will be my people (1:16)
          5. Ruth’s Decision of worship – Your God will be my God (1:16)
          6. Ruth’s Desire – Where you die, I will die (1:17)
          7. Ruth’s Wish – Where you are buried, I will be buried (1:17)
          8. Promise of Ruth’s bond with Naomi until death (1:17)
  • Naomi, with Ruth, arrives at Bethlehem (1:19–22)
    • Naomi’s testimony (1:20-21)
  • Ruth Meets Boaz, a wealthy Kinsman of Elimelech, at the Harvest Field (2:1–23) 
    • Ruth’s request to glean and gather leftover gains in the field of Boaz (2:1-3, 6) 
    • Boaz’s greeting to the harvesters (2:4) [like Jesus told His disciples to greet (Matthew 10:12)]
    • Ruth meets Boaz (2:5-17) 
    • Ruth shares her day’s experience with Naomi (2:18–23)
  • Naomi’s guidance to take advantage of the Kinsman-redeemer law (3:1–18) 
    • Naomi Discloses her Idea (3:1–4)
    • Ruth acts on Naomi’s advice at the threshing-floor of Boaz (3:5–15) 
    • Ruth reports to Naomi (3:16–18)
  • Marriage of Boaz and Ruth (4:1–22)
    • Boaz’s preparation to marry Ruth (4:1-8)
    • Boaz buys Elimelech’s property and marries Ruth (4:9-12)
    • Birth of Obed, the grandfather of king David (4:13-17)
    • Genealogy of David (4:18-22)

Remember, this book:

  • is an example that God is active even in the midst of moral and spiritual apostasy
  • reflects on Israel’s unfaithfulness and apostasy during the time of Judges’ rule
  • illustrates that the Gentiles are also included in the plan of God’s redemption
  • reminds that the non-Israelites who repent and place their trust in the Lord will be accepted in the same way a wild vine is grafted into the true vine (Romans 11:17)
  • portrays a very good example that God is faithful to bless and honor anyone who honor Him despite all their struggles, fears, class or color
  • reminds Christ’s example of redeeming the Church:
    • Christ has redeemed us with His own blood
    • Christ preserved our name and identity among the community of God’s people 
    • Christ offered us a place of refuge in His presence – a new heaven and new earth 
    • Christ is our kinsman-redeemer and provides us with eternal inheritance in Heaven

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